Priest on duty    085 7830717                                                                                  Parish Office 021 4820654

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Child Safeguarding

We, in the Parish of Glanmire, value and encourage the participation of children and young people in Parish liturgies and activities that enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional and social development. We recognise the dignity and rights of children and are committed to their protection and support. All relevant procedures are currently being put in place to create a safe environment for children and young people to enable their full participation in the life of the Church. Parish representatives are overseeing the implementation of these procedures with group leaders who work with children and young people in Church related activities.

Please see the Cork & Ross Diocesan Child Safeguarding Policy Statement, which is followed by Glanmire Parish.

The Parish representatives are:

Ben Coy, Ursula Guiney, Kieran Kelleher, Chris Mulcahy

These representatives may be contacted through the Parish Office contacts.

Cork & Ross Diocesan Child Safeguarding Policy Statement  (for all its parishes)