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Parish Assembly

Mission statement for parish assembly

Glanmire Parish Assembly promotes the Catholic faith in the parish.  It recognises the challenge of changing times and aims to provide a structure for priests and people to work together for the enrichment of parish life.  It aims to identify the talents within the community and inspire and empower others to become involved in all aspects of parish life.


What is a parish assembly?

The parish assembly is a leadership group through which priests and people work together as partners in furthering the mission of Christ in their own place. It does so through building up a vibrant Christian community that is rooted in baptism and marked by its faith, worship and service. To fulfill its role the assembly needs to be a representative body in which the diversity of the parish community is reflected. To take on the task of the assembly, members need to be baptized Catholics who participate in the life and worship of the parish, who have a loving concern for the parish and are willing to be part of a parish leadership group.

The Glanmire Parish Assembly is a body of people; priests and parishioners, who have accepted their nomination by their peers, to lead and support the development of the parish as a faith community.

Members are nominated for a three-year term (the priests of the parish are members by virtue of their office).

Members of the parish assembly beginning 2022 are as follows:

Mirinda O’ Keeffe  (Chair)

Rosaleen Murphy   (Vice chair)

Emma Lovett   (Secretary)


Billy Meaney

Cynthia Kelleher

Ger Hayes

Judith Whooley

June Johnston

Pauline Hyde

Peter Falvey

Phil Kelleher

Theresa Kiely

Trish Power

Fr Pat Fogarty

Fr Pat Nugent